Strengthening our independence and community with economic stability.
Establishing economic stability with responsible land ownership.
Access registries and file legal documents, leases and permits.
Learn more about the people of Ch’íyáqtel.
As Ch’íyáqtel (Tzeachten) First Nations people, we have a strong heritage that ties our traditions to a long, rich history still shaping our future today.
As “people of the river” who love to fish and are “keepers of the land”, we are deeply connected to our cultural practices and native Halq'eméylem language.
Chief Derek Epp leads our council, combining adult and youth members, to ensure responsible governance of Ch’íyáqtel (Tzeachten) lands and its people.
The Ch’íyáqtel (Tzeachten) management team is responsible for all administrative duties that keep our reserve running smoothly and continuously prosperous.
Would you like to join our team? We are always looking for skilled and talented people to help us achieve the goals and vision we have for Ch’íyáqtel (Tzeachten).